What. A. Year. Definitely a year of focusing on quality over quantity, something Id like to finish the year out strong with. Something Im super proud of, and I cant say I am proud of myself often; and I attribute that to a creators mentality, similar to this meme -
You think you're finished but could be influenced from someone else to tweak one more thing, or you see the final product and realize you could have moved this one piece 4 pixels to the right, idk, shits a real thing. Anyway, this project I have been working on with Uniqlo Hawaii is something Im really proud of this year. To see this idea flourish into a bridge of 2 worlds, something to bring the community together to help raise money for a child in need. That shit right there? Cant put a value tag on that at all. The things I learned from this, the behind the scenes of a storefront, the marketing behind the campaign, how designs go from paper to giant window displays, its just so surreal.
subtle flex; I had some of my work displayed on the side of a hotel building at night in Waikiki earlier this year but this right here tops it. This display will be on the top floor of Uniqlo Hawaii in Ala Moana Center all throughout the holiday season! Its upstairs, the window facing Nordstrom, be sure to check it out, snap a selfie and send it to me! And of course, you can make a donation in-store with your purchase with every dollar going to support wish kid, Devon, in his wish to see snow for the very first time!
What. A. Year. Definitely a year of focusing on quality over quantity, something Id like to finish the year out strong with. Something Im super proud of, and I cant say I am proud of myself often; and I attribute that to a creators mentality, similar to this meme -
You think you're finished but could be influenced from someone else to tweak one more thing, or you see the final product and realize you could have moved this one piece 4 pixels to the right, idk, shits a real thing. Anyway, this project I have been working on with Uniqlo Hawaii is something Im really proud of this year. To see this idea flourish into a bridge of 2 worlds, something to bring the community together to help raise money for a child in need. That shit right there? Cant put a value tag on that at all. The things I learned from this, the behind the scenes of a storefront, the marketing behind the campaign, how designs go from paper to giant window displays, its just so surreal.
subtle flex; I had some of my work displayed on the side of a hotel building at night in Waikiki earlier this year but this right here tops it. This display will be on the top floor of Uniqlo Hawaii in Ala Moana Center all throughout the holiday season! Its upstairs, the window facing Nordstrom, be sure to check it out, snap a selfie and send it to me! And of course, you can make a donation in-store with your purchase with every dollar going to support wish kid, Devon, in his wish to see snow for the very first time!
It is said that when you see the numbers 11/11, it means that your spiritual guides are near and bring peace and love to provide clarity and guidance to put you down the right path. Kind of the universes way of giving you a thumbs up. I tend to believe that 11/11 is a symbol of balance, which does not teeter to far away from this understanding. This November though, as we head into my favorite season of the year, I hope to see this number much more often than typical. This month is chaos. What a weird word on a paper but nothing about this month is normal.
While I am so grateful to have this ongoing partnership with Express throughout the year, its been rough this month trying to put together some content when time is not on my side. But I think the hustle of it all as a content creator is what makes this venture exciting. How do you create content for your client that is not repetitive, but still sticks to your "brand?” A delicate balance that still excites me to discover.
Also, I am trying to figure out what would make most sense to display my work with Express here on my blog. Pop up a different post each month of Express? The con with that is that I havent had time to reach out to other clients with pitch decks so my partnership feed would just be plastered with Express, which I dont mind but other partnerships lose visibility. The other option is to have one long running Express post where I continuously add on photos each month. I feel like this pro outweighs the cons but what happens when I have the time to actually put together a shoot that I want to highlight specifically that month? Straight up think Im overthinking it but you can never be too careful with aesthetic.
A few days ago we went out and shot a small campaign for a project I have been working on with Uniqlo Hawaii. This project is a culmination of ideas that Ive been thinking about to build a bridge between my two worlds of work (my 9 to 5) and work (my hobby turned passion). PRO TIP for anyone out there looking to partner with a brand. Getting your name out there or recognized can be a daunting task but please realize, that is just your foot in the door. What you do once you are in that conference room is completely in your hands to dictate and offer an insight to your capabilities. Sure, taking a nice photo here and there can get your client wide eyed, but its important to nurture that relationship. A photo and maybe even a repost on Instagram is great for your platform but for me, longevity with a partnership is something I tier as the ultimate. END PRO TIP. Working with Uniqlo Hawaii with a handful of campaigns has been great and we found a very common middle ground for this upcoming shopping season. Petitioning for this to happen with my Make A Wish team and the Uniqlo Hawaii team is a process, not for the lazy or uninspired, I cant stress that enough but we will see in the next few weeks if it was worth the payoff!
To add to this day of balance, Im gonna tack on this little section after a case of spontaneity hit us hard late afternoon. We took a last minute day trip to Maui! Was it needed? not sure. Was it fun? YES. Decision may not be my strong suit but I dont ever find myself second guessing my decisions. What to make of that? Sam Satos in the morning is a fucking must, the drymin I am sure is a delicacy provided in heaven that has been shared with us peasants to enjoy here on earth. I fuck you not. Jov headed to work, grabbed a coffee and headed upcountry to check out Maui Wine. Rainy weather wouldnt put a damper on our day but after a few previous visits to Maui Wine, damn was that a disappointment. Maybe we've went too often? Idk but could use spare the next few trips to Maui avoiding that spot. Ate some mexican food and Marky made browned butter choco cookies with 4 tablespoons of salt instead of teaspoons. iconic. This is out of order but we also got to see the wedding venue for Jov and Caleb which was great. Hope to be back here a few more times before the wedding!
stripes, a common theme
thanks for the photo, marky
21 North
Some good friends from highschool (Kamehameha Kapalama for you lurkers) reached out as they were working on an album together and needed some cover art. It was great to catch up with them and see how far we all have come since 2007, damn wtf. They found a cool little diner in Waikiki to post up in and we had a good time. Head on over to the blog to see more photos from this set!
here is my contribution to promoting our annual Jingle Rock Run around the downtown honolulu this year. We pitched an idea to run some giveaways thru our social media accounts; the graphic on this years shirt featured 4 iconic buildings rich with history and the idea was to take a selfie in front of these buildings each week, for a prize.
Busy month at work again. Heres some videos I shot and edited for 2 of the most heart wrenching wishes Ive come across since working here.
honestly, this set is such a vibe. We had a work retreat today over at Park Lane, spent the morning discussing the next fiscal year and our goals. Then we had lunch, a dance off, presented our ideas and then headed off to the fun stuff. I brought my drone (later learned that area is a no fly zone…but also learned you can fly in no-fly zones at a certain altitude) and my camera aboard the boat…was super hesitant but glad I did. Weather was overcast but a soft glow from the clouds and deep blue water really made for some great shots, i think. I have the bulk of my photos on my instagram stories but the photos Im showing here are just to showcase the fact that I work with people who have perfected the open mouth smile in front of the camera. Every candid photographers dream-
Lets try something new. Im trying to keep my blog separate from my instagram since like, different target audiences and whatever, but guess what, technology has presented a road bump. I shot this day vertically so dont have any landscape shots, nor video shot in landscape. I can upload the vertical video to youtube but it uploads it in 240p which wouldnt even be HD for like, a building for ants. So, here I am breaking my own rules. Also breaking the rules in spending our anniversary building memories, taking photos, doing campaign work at the same time, spending time together, the good stuff.
Totally separate from above paragraph but Jansport really came along with me growing up. Remember those days when you could swing by kmart when you were little or something and pick up a Jansport (i say it like i was the one buying it) for like $12? Sure the prices went up cuz trump, but the quality of the materials skyrocketed and your getting your bang for your buck. Oh, I missed you friend.
You guys. My month is crazy busy and the only content I have to share is blowing my mind. We had a tea party at the Sheraton Waikiki Teepee Tents by the pool and we learned how to make lei in Round Table Kailua. This job will never cease to surprise me.
The big 3-0. Damn, does that shit just hit you in the face. You say goodbye to the spontaneous and regrettable decisions you make in your twenties and say hello to them again in your thirtys. wtf. Only this time, heftier consequences to pay. So what I mixed my tequila shots with a few glasses of cabernet? So what I binged the entire season 3 of stranger things in a day? SO WHAT I ORDER MY LARGE FRENCH FRIES EXTRA EXTRA WELL DONE AT MCDONALDS SO THAT I CAN ENJOY AN EVER SO SLIGHT CRISP TO EACH MOUTHFUL OF FRIES DIPPED IN OREO MCFLURRY?! Thats right people, live your life and enjoy it. (regret it later)
no ragrets
I idolize the first summer after graduating high school but was it all that it was cracked (no pun) out to be? Had a shit ton of fun making memories with friends, the start of something with bae, and just really not having to give a fuck about anything in the world. That was a bliss and maybe the last memory of childhood that I so desperately hang on to. But no, really, that summer was the kickstart to my adult life. The energy that framed the next decade in life. So yeah, looking back at it, it was great. *record scratches
Fast forward to today, where summers have been the busiest time for work for the last…11 years? Im used to it and expect it, so you cant really be let down, right? Thats so glass half full. No time for really anything, lots of photoshoots for work, break from influencer life (we need to revisit that title, its starting to get a negative connotation), and just like, looking forward to happy hours. This is just the shit that really hits you in the face, no one really prepares you for it. Busy.
This was a highlight this month, getting to capture some moments in a recording studio for such a special moment. Yall gonna hear this song on the radio soon and it hella bops. Also got to see Imua Garza in action, been a fan of that guy since hanabata days. Hes got a bag of memory inducing lyrics and catchy beats its no wonder hes still to this day one of the most sought out producers in Hawaii.
We actually did get to do something for fun and did the tide pools with big t. Hard to say it was fun since it involved an unnecessary amount of ridge maneuvering…but it was inspiring to do something out of the norm. Get the creative juices going again.
May is one for the books! No downtime after the Gala we had for work so let bae know we were going to have a small staycation in Waikiki to start the month off. What she didnt know was that the staycation was going to be spent in Kauai! Kauai/Oahu/Waianae, mainlanders wont get it, so same thing. But how did you pull this off, Ham? Well it was simple blog reader, I let her know we were going to have breakfast at Liliha Bakery early in the morning and we were going to grab cocoa puffs to drop off in grama Julies office before she got to work. So we packed the night before to spend the weekend at the hotel and got to bed. Woke up at 5am the next day to head to breakfast but whoops, missed the cutoff so had to drive on the H3. Given it was still fairly early, not quite sure it was apparent we werent going to Waikiki. Boom, Airport. < hey siri, remind me not to use those 2 words in sentence again. Surprise went well and it was also her birthday! She obviously forgot her headphones but lucky her, a pair of airpods were conveniently wrapped in a box for her to open. Ill keep the trip details to a romantic silence, but some highlights were; trying charcoal coffee, visiting Hanalei (fucking euphoric), going tubing down the ol irrigation systems, and just having a chill af time. Also, my credit card got compromised while we were departing HNL and that was a cluster fuck to get my car and hotel but.
Queue up the following week and we were in Vegas celebrating Mothers Day with my mom and sisters. Vegas holds great memories but also lays work to the drunkest ive ever been. My hangover barfs were projectile, were accomplished standing up, and required little to no effort to achieve maximum distance. The limit did not exist.
Some time to breathe! What a flip flop month, April has been good to me and my brink of burnout. Works been getting crazy busy and I imagine many industries/companies seeing the effects of summer quickly approaching. Going on back to back trips next month which were super stoked for. If I can be honest, I love the hustle and bustle of getting traction with brands for campaigns, I am really enjoying family portrait sessions and getting back into the engagement portrait realm, but damn, does it make me a shithead for looking forward to those weekends with no plans? Nothing to do except catch up with Netflix or a book? Or literally just stay in bed? Fuck is this was it feels like to be adulting? Is this a new wave of our society these days? #showerthoughts
We had to learn how to make Lei po’o for a wish coming up…yall I swear I work hard at my daytime and not just have fun all day. This place seems to blur the lines of work and fun though, its hard for me to not enjoy what I do. Besides this impromptu, we also went to check out Oeno Wine in Kailua for their wine tasting night. If you enjoy craft beers and the process of vineyard to barrel, you would like this place. If you enjoy great tasing wine and good times, you may want to look elsewhere. Ill leave it at that and might yelp my review later on but not sure if its worth it since I seem to not be the only one that feels that way. Id post a photo but it seems my memory card didnt even feel it was worth it, either.
Do you know how hard it was to find a Street Fighter arcade machine? Click here to read my post about it, it was much harder than I thought. Uniqlo just dropped their new street fighter line with some dope prints that anyone alive in the 90's could appreciate. Street Fighter > Mortal Kombat > Smash Bros. Only 90s kids.
Also did a photoshoot with a kiddo who loves donuts. Purve donuts anyone? Not an ad, go and visit them if you havent already. Donuts are life and they bring life to this simple desire.
March has been a non-stop month of projects. Its been fuckin nuts so instead of multiple posts this month, just going to do a quick (somewhat) recap of what Ive been working on this month. Going to see i my schedule will allow for a small break before our trip in May. Dont get me wrong, Im so grateful for where my work has taken me creatively and businessly (thats a word right?) but if there is any advice I could give to someone interested in the same path, just make sure your organizational skills are on fucking point. Scheduling shoots, setting time aside to edit and then posting…it sound simple but when you're balancing multiple campaigns on top of personal work, its a tough game to balance. ANYWAY. A handful of portrait sessions this month and this first pic is a Make A Wish Family that I am a wish grantor for. If you're interested in what that means, shoot me an email!
This is Elijah and his family, super kind people. Elijah has a condition where is heart valves are backwards and had to go thru some surgeries to his little heart pumping again. Hes a spunky dude and brings some fun energy anytime hes in the mood to talk with you. Due to some medical concerns and having just finished with a big surgery, we kept his wish to go to Disney, local, and sent him and his family to Aulani. So much love this family.
Heres a few more pics of some portrait sessions this month…I wont share faces of the kids but you can kind of get the picture of how lucky ive been getting with lighting.
I did a secret photoshoot for a brand that Im not allowed to mention yet. Click the photo below which will (eventually) take you to a blog post of the brand. I also was invited to a release party with Reyn Spooner, photo below of my blog post. And then finally, a blog post of my Express campaign this month. See yall next month!
I realize my color pallete is varying in these photos and I thought about adjusting it..but then I realized I made this blog to post my work however I want. Fuck it. Every client is different when it comes to how they want their product to be delivered and If I keep worrying about little things for my posts, its going to turn into social media where every little detail needs to be curated. I post how I want on here. thats what its for. So enjoy my photos at its worst, or at its best, depends how you decide to look at it.
Where do I even begin.
Every year, Make-A-Wish Hawaii holds a surf camp over on Kauai in partnership with Bethany Hamilton. I was lucky enough to play a role in planning the surf camp this year for about twentyish people. Prior to surf camp, I hadnt been to Kauai nor had I planned a "wish”of this magnitude. It was a lot of work all the way up until the morning we left for Kauai and I was gassed up ready to go. We were staying with the families at the Grand Hyatt so I was ready to keep my "work face” on for the next week straight. I had no idea, not even prepared for the reality at how these 4 families were going to make such a positive impact on my life.
I think the other 3 staff members that were with me would agree; there was a moment on day 2 of the trip, the a-ha moment, that really solidified our reasoning for being there. We interviewed these families, one by one, and learned about their stories and how they got to this point and holy damn…I wish I could have gotten a sponsorship from Kleenex before this trip because the waterfalls of tears we shared was next level. We were not prepared for it and kind of went in to this interview session a little relaxed thinking it was just a bonding moment with these families, to get to know them. Hearing their stories was truly something else and for some of these families, it was the first time they were sharing their story and it became such a chicken skin environment of acceptance for these families, like, they were in that moment, realizing they really made it out of that terrible situation and are here, stronger than ever. That. That moment right there, FOUR times, one after the other. Chicken skin again thinking about it, such a powerful moment im honored to have shared.
My girl, Emma. When I first met her, I already knew she was going to be our spunky hipster of the trip. She has so much life and humor in her that she was just waiting to share with anyone who was wanting to listen. Her journey to this point was far from easy and hearing about the her health struggles were a definite surprise considering how much of a happy kid she is. Without digging too much into her history, people living with Cystic Fibrosis benefit immensely from being in the ocean. The salt water is a natural therapy for CF patients and loosens up all the mucus that contributes to difficulty in breathing, and all the other terrible things this awful disease brings on. If I can recall correctly, Emma was on a few treatments every single day leading up to this trip and while she was here in the healing waters of Kauai, she didnt need a single treatment. How crazy is that. Ugh the stories I wish I could share, and I wont, but ill link the video I put together of this trip at the end of this blog post. Be sure to watch it to the end to see just a snippet at Emma's parents who are some of the best storytellers all time.
Brinks. If there was a family that lives in the purest of forms for the Man up top, this family modeled that description before it was written. One of the most genuine and loving families I have ever met, really makes sense with how Brinkley is able to walk with the happiest of skips and joyous of smiles. This trip for Brinks was years in the making and almost didnt happen a few months prior. In the latter, Brinkely rang the bell last month in her childrens hospital which if you didnt know, is a celebration to mark the end of cancer treatment! I think ringing the bell is such a beautiful metaphor for this family, too; there is a simplicity in how a bell works and each part of the bell plays a specific role in unison, in order to operate. Similar to a bell, theres an effortlessness of love with this family and the love they share with each and every person they meet, theres a definite ring to it.
Little Alex. My crazy girl full of energy and character. She kept things light, she kept things fun. She kept things youthful and she also kept us on our toes. Her mom, Maile, was born and raised on Oahu so this family came in already knowing they were part of our Ohana. There was no warming up for them, Alex became everyones little sister. She knew everyones business and pretty much knew everyones phone passcodes by the end of the trip. Her journey, as with all these girls, was not an easy one but with the support of her incredible family (each a character in their own right), became the light that kept them together. Speaking of lighter note, I wont say who, but someone mentioned to the other families what "Hawaiian Time” was (on the very first day) and I dont think we had any moment of the trip where all the families were there on time hahaha
Oh, Laken. That became her calling card once we met her and her family and learned about the unbelievable journey they have been through to get to this point in life. Whether it be a happy story like when she was younger and learned about Bethany Hamilton and played a little stunt in the living room that got her a broken collarbone (did I say happy? I think Mom will have my head for that), or a sadder story like when she had to be put into a coma to stop her seizures from happening. This girl became the compass of our days and there were little highlights throughout the trip, things you wouldnt think someone with her medical journey would be able to do, that she did, beautifully and admirably. But there was a moment, a blink and youll miss it moment (that none of us missed), where she stood up on a surfboard and gave us the biggest smile we’ve ever seen and we all let out a collective “Oh, Laken” sigh. Damn. Thats the shit I live for.
Kauai. You were full of moments. Moments of learning, understanding, and patience. Things I needed that I didnt know I needed. Kauai is healing.
February (anyone else spell that month as they pronounce it out loud?) is going down as the month of surfing. Had an opportunity to head down to Eric Arakawa's Surfboard Factory and check out his process in making surfboards. Super humbling to see a master of his craft in his element and doing what he loves most. You dont have to be the best at something, you just have to love what you do. You can see the mana that Eric puts in to each and every board and the results are perfection. Hands in the air in realizing why this guy is the fucking goat.
Quick stop over at the Volcom House and got to see both houses, the newer of the homes currently under renovation. I dont know, something about being on the north side of the island and away from all the concrete jungle is so refreshing. Theres no such thing as untouched parts of Oahu but the homeness of North Shore brings character to the island that you cant find anywhere else. Theres almost a pristine desire of yesteryear being in this area with nostalgia vibes of what Hawaii used to be. I say that like I was there for old Hawaii but I think there is an importance to keeping this country life and preserving what it was once like. Its part of the culture and something you cant get back once its gone.
I was able to test out the new Fujifilm XT3 and its crazy to think how that little mirrorless camera is shooting photographs that these DSLR's struggle to composite. Ive been shooting much more portraits these days as this hobby of mine begins to merge with my 9 to 5. As majority of my lenses and camera bodies are Nikon, lugging this shit around and having to pause and switch lenses is taking its toll. I love the portability of the Fuji's and while I sound like a broken record, Im just trying to think how I am going to carry all this crap when Im solo shooting (thats a funny term) or without a second shooter (thats not what she said). Equipment is heavy and I think Im going to start looking into a more streamlined way to carry around my gear on shoots…yall got recommendations?
Sunrises or sunsets…I wish I could shoot more sunsets but living on the East Side, I grew up with sunrises. Love the colors early in the day and those mornings that have some salt in the air to give a little glow to the air are hands down, life. So refreshing and the energy I can pull from to start my day. Plus, which no photographer will ever have the balls to tell you, the brightness in morning photoshoots make for a much easier editing. Not for commenting on laziness, shoot later on in the day where light is scarce or you're backlit make for harsher shadows on the face and bodyshape. More editing and evening out skin tones, make sure you work with photographer on time-of-day and how important it is for you to get your photos quickly.
Bonus shots from this shoot, Uniqlo threw us some swag to photograph from their new Hokusai collection. Super soft shirts and the designs take me back to those good times we had in Kyoto, Japan.
New Year, new me. A term we’ve all heard and maybe even use. Sometimes it just takes that one moment to be the catalyst to jumpstart your motivation to actually follow through on the goals you’ve made for yourself. Not to jump on the Marie Kando bandwagon this month but Ive been wanting to declutter my lifestyle and I guess only keep the things in my life that bring me joy. So if you havent heard from me or got a response from me with your weak ass meme texts, not sorry muthafucka. No joke, if you havent visited the website then you’re missing out. Its been my homepage for a while now and I never actually took it seriously until I realized that it was clutter, social media, and all that other crap thats just noise and distracting me and pulling focus away from my grind. Y’all, we got one life to live and dont need to waste scrolling weeks back on a feed to find out why JaMarcquees left Becky after she cheated on him with his best friends Grandma. It doesnt fucking matter unless other peoples garbage is the kinda thing that brings you joy. Anyway, insert happy photo
My day to day has taken up a lot of time these last 3 months to the point where, well, Ill leave the next part up to interpretation. I took of 2 weeks off to just veg out at home and rebalance my mind, declutter and reorganize my priorities <—that was the refreshing moment I needed. Got back to work and pretty much been out of the office every week taking photos of all these epic wishes.
We had a kiddo who wanted to go surfing with AccesSurf, a kiddo who wanted to go horseback riding on the beach in a wedding dress, a kiddo who wanted to do gymnastics on the beach and while the work that goes into putting these experiences together can be stressful, being in that moment with a family who has only known long hospital stays and endless doctors visits for maybe the last year or so, its just magical seeing their faces light up and forget about the negative and just focus on their now. That shit is crack and if you ever have the opportunity to be part of something like this, I promise it will rejuvenate every cell in your body and provide you with a new perspective on life.
peace out 18.
Damn November came and went. On the hustle all month long and December is going to be even busier. Probably my favorite shot of us shot for the Express campaign, peep the Partnerships tab, just added more projects Ive been workin on.
Just a couple days into November and got my 2 campaigns under my Express belt <—shameless plug, head on over there for the dopest belts, got leather reversibles and different materials and fits to accompany any outfit. Trying to front load projects early this month because its gonna be a marathon as December inches closer. I have 3 more campaigns to finish and hoping to tie it all together with an end of the year shopping list on my blog. Ive been checking my analytics of my blog traffic and I think its at a decent enough following to where I can start exploring other aspects and not hold myself in a box of just lifestyle stuff. I think this is the 3rd time Im talking on that subject already so lets just green light that bitch already.
Never really started understanding composition and the importance of light until I took a black and white film photography class in college. We did an egg project and it was basically taking a picture of an egg and learning how you can bounce light and finding how certain lighting situations can affect textures and what not. I would love to post more black and white but it would be an eyesore for me on my instagram feed, would stick out too much so going to try and post more black and white candids here….with some before and afters.
When people ask how I get partnerships with brands for photoshoots or sponsors for trips, the honest answer is creating quality content. Think as if you had your own clothing brand. You would want your product being promoted by clients who can take a decent photograph. The more and more I think about it, Im slightly convinced to spending 2019 by doing tutorials and helpful tips and tricks to creating quality content and how to take your photography to the next level. Ive had a lot of support from my following on Instagram and this could be an outlet for me to give back.
How is that related to this photo above? Back in May, I talked about how we wrecked shop in the Uniqlo stores in Japan and Uniqlo finna open up a store in Hawaii. Did I use finna right? Anyway, Tor and I went for a walk and had our pocketable parkas in our backpack. Whipped out the film camera just as the sun was golden and snapped this shot and tagged Uniqlo. Uniqlo picked up on this photo and we are talking about partnering up for some photo sets with their new collections! Coincidence with taking a photo featuring some clothes from a “first-in Hawaii” store thats just about to open up? Be smart with your photos, take your time creating quality content, and sometimes opportunities will present itself without even trying. But was I trying?
Just going to add on to this blog post with a fast forward of 2 weeks. Went to visit the new Uniqlo store where I met with my contact and she gave us an opportunity to grab some clothes for a quick hiking photoshoot we wanted to do at sunrise over at Lanikai Pillboxes. Let me stress at how important it is as a content creator to understand that partnering up with brands its more than just getting free clothes and taking a picture. You need to develop a relationship as business partners because when you get stuck in a pickle or if something happens on a photoshoot, the interpersonal relationship you have with the client is important to help get you out of a sticky situation. Lanikai Pillboxes were undergoing some construction so we had to move it over to Makapu’u lighthouse trail. When we got there, it was raining. Always have back ups. So we grabbed our gear and headed over to fishermans cave and took some photos of each other since a tripod would be hella sketch where we were at.
Im not a huge fan of how it turned out but think it gets the job done to highlight the dry-ex top and bottoms. But going back to the business relationship of it, my contact understood that things happen and I hope its because we were able to come up with shots before the deadline despite the weather, we are looking to partner up again for future collections.
I know I said October was busy and full of photoshoots, but this brand partnership with Uniqlo was not only a surprise, got me motivated to come up with better ideas and concept more photo sets. Heres a quick photo cap from one of the portrait sessions
Really enjoying the weather cooling down over this last week or so. Its a pretty busy month with photoshoots and started off October with the annual Swing for Wishes golf tournament over at the Hawaii Prince Golf Course. Even though the day got rained out towards the end, its always nice to spend the day out of the office. Lots of corporate sponsors, networking, shit ton of food and you can never go wrong with a solid cup of coffee from our building neighbors over at Kai Coffee.
Now that Im a little more active with with content at my job, Im trying to keep it separate from this. BUT, I had an incredible opportunity to have one of my wish kiddos meet Nainoa Thompson at Bishop Museum. Nainoa does everything for the culture and emits a mana that I cant describe in words. He was not only teaching us what its like to be part of the Hokule’a but he made you feel every experience. He doesnt teach, he makes you feel. Its an unteachable trait that has lifted him into the prominent figure that he is today. At no point does he ever make you feel below him, he teaches at a level that is not only understandable but blows my mind as he teaches from a perspective that he is still a student. The humility in this guy who has endless amounts of knowledge about culture, wayfinding and much, much more is truly an amazing sight to see. If not for Nainoa having a moment when he was very young where he found an interest in the stars, voyaging as we know it today could have been lost forever.
Ehukai Pillbox Hike. Dont fucking go after it rains. Cant say the view was worth it for the amount of work it took to get to the pillbox but ill give this hike another chance. maybe. It should have been a quick 45 minute easy hike but the puddles of mud and slipper slopes had me walking back to the car looking like Carrie but instead of blood, its mud. Same level of frustration, too. Got some breakfast at Coffee Gallery in Haleiwa and kicked it at Markys beach house. Good vibes and good times
Quick day trip to Maui, how can I turn that down? Even though we did the same things as my last trip to Maui, Tor and I managed to fit a weekends worth of things into a couple of hours before we had to attend her cousins wedding at Maui Wine.
Coffee Attic. Coffee shop vibes upstairs and downstairs is a jazzy type lounge aesthetic with a stage. How is this not a thing on Oahu yet?
I try to avoid judging throughout life but when it comes to whether or not I am productive today, then yes, I will judge you on your iced coffee. Pretty good, smooth, and they use coffee iced cubes instead of regular ice. Sure, coffee snobs will askew but come on Oahu, how are we not on this yet?
For about $15, you can sample 5 or 6 different cheeses made from the goats milk at Surfing Goat Dairy Farm. Guys trip and Tor agree, "Mens Challenge" is a standout flavor; I believe its horseradish infused, so a little kick, but goooooood.
lavender farm because oprah.
I fucking LOVE her
Its been a quick minute since we saw Maui family, so that was nice. And they got married on a winery. A fucking winery. Congrats to the bride and groom, we had a great time
Haven't played ball in a while and I was looking for something, creatively speaking, as an outlet. When this opportunity arose to work with a place so familiar from my childhood memories, I had to jump on it. No spoilers, but going to be working with Kailua Racquet Club over the next few months and really stoked to be part of something that is known as a "staple" in Kailua. While exclusive for members, this place is full of history and rich in storytelling. Hard to find something like this in Kailua as this little Kailua Town has turned in to protests, construction and a sad focus on tourism. I hope to build this relationship with KRC and shed light on their "old school Kailua" mentality of what it means to bring families together.
my boy Ty planned a guys trip to Maui for the weekend
we went wine tasting over at Maui Wine which was peak Hawaii attempt at bouj-basé
doc moved home
went zip lining
good times + good vibes
This photo set was shot with a combination of
iPhone X + Focos
checked out O's lavender farm
stayed at this dudes boyfriends parents condo
^ showed up at the last minute im left to presume
Not a big update here but working with Express on their Denim campaign for the rest of summer! Looking forward to that and Ill have a new Express post in the Partnerships section of my blog at the end of this campaign. I wear a lot of denim to work and my boss would tease and go "denim denim denim" and if you say it out loud, sounds one of those sound effects from a Mario level. Yup, thats a thing.
Ellaborate on the word impulsive. A little backstory. Ellie being couped up at our place wasn’t good for her, its too hot during the day and shes getting no stimulation while we are at work from 7AM – 8PM. Because my parents are foster parents now, we decided to leave Ellie with them during the week so she can play with the foster kids, its much cooler with the beach breeze and she has a big yard to play in. Anyway, my parents have been watching Ellie and we pick her up for the weekends to spend time with her. We went over this past weekend and Ellie became a new foster mom, ha. 2 runts, don’t know what kind of breeds. Dad didn’t tell my Mom about it, just showed up with them. That’s where I get it from. Impulsive.
Tokyo 2018
Pushing myself creatively is in new form. Ive been content with what Ive been creating but became stagnant. Thanks to Youtube, were lead to believe that we need to lug around a giant camera and a shit ton of gear to take epic photos. Fuck that mantra. I fought myself but ended up heading over to Japan (on super nerve wracking standby) with just my iPhone X and the wide angle lens provided by one of my sponsors, Sandmarc (click here for my review).
stairway to the rooftop starbucks
Where some people find restrictions and limitations, I used the shortcomings of an iPhone to my advantage and these mobile photos by far exceeded my expectations. A lot of people have been asking if ive been using portrait mode for some of my bokeh shots but secret is out. I downloaded an app called Focos. So much control and it really pushes the iPhone X to its limits. Highly recommend this app (no, not a sponsored plug. But if you know someone there, hit ya boy up) as you have so much control of focus points and bokeh shapes/characteristics. You even have the ability to edit photos by each lens of the dual camera; this will make more sense when you get this app.
steps in front of Mr. Farmer restaurant, so fuckin good
piss alley
actually, I think this was a long exposure at disney sea in tokyo
reflection bokeh with focos
focos bokeh with skinny japanese person
Anyway, the app is not the point of this entry, check out some of my favorite photos I took #shotoniphone . All photos have been edited with Lightroom mobile. Video too with my partnership with Motiv!
Korean town, our airbnb rooftop
korean town station with iPhone long exposure
its too hot to travel to japan during the summer
disney selfie
street food
will post more photos on the journal, and will add the video here once I figure out how to bypass copyright haha
May was very limited with projects as we are getting ready for our trip and heading into the busy summer season at work. Heres some quick grabs of Make A Wish’s World Wish Day as well as the Gala which were back to back weekends. Performances by Henry Kapono, freakin’ Ben Vegas and Maila Gibson and that chick from the Voice, cant quite remember her name.
Had a fun project for work and joined a family for a kiddo who enjoyed the Ukulele. Met the family over at Kanile’a Ukulele where they got a tour and presented her with her own ukulele engraved with her name. A lot goes into the building of an ukulele and learning about the detail that goes in to these instruments is nothing short of inspiring. Honoka and Azita showed up for a quick jam session and it was good vibes all around.
Super talented duo, check them out at
As far as personal projects go, April is a slow month as we get ready for our Japan trip next month (which hasn’t really been planned yet, haha). Worked with Express to curate a weekly guide for #ootd . Worked on outfit grids which is something I haven’t done, it’s a lot more time consuming than I had anticipated. Natural light played with the highlights and shadows of the clothes and I found that wrinkling it up a bit added a nice texture versus ironed flat clothes.
Heres my favorites of the week, you can find the rest on my Express journey thus far.
I was offered an opportunity to work with Journeys and my high school self was stoked. Haven't shopped there in years but still grateful for the opportunity. KSwiss had just released some shoes exclusive to Journeys and the sent me a pair to roam around the city.
Originally, we were heading over to Kaka'ako to check out he new Pow Wow installations but got sidetracked. We ended up on the roof of our parking garage and found these sweet spot. Surprisingly, there was a ladder conveniently nearby which made me think we weren't the first ones to do this. In any case, I think the photos for this campaign came out pretty dope, hit my friends page to check out more of his work -
I have a few more shots to upload from this campaign but will post them later.
Dropped off some omiyage for some friends that work over at Sea Life P.ark. Walked around the park a bit, haven't been to this place since I was little.
Picked up another gig that Im super humbled for, Dove Mens Care. I never in a million years thought I could land a contract with such a huge company. Super stoked to see what I can come up with but heres the first take. Had to concept an idea of being in the shower with their new foaming body wash.
kinda off to an ok start. But wheres the water? Wheres the soap? shit. And just to note, I don't take selfies and barely post any photos of myself on social media. And now I gotta show some skin? Next level uncomfortable but mind setting to be out of my normal comfort zone.
Would have went with the photo on the left but my hair looked out of place without shampoo. Pleased with the results and look forward to the next team up with Dove!
Eventful weekend. Tor's flight got delayed Friday so dropped her off at the airport early Saturday morning. Came home and as they were taking off on the tarmac, we got a missile alert that we all thought at the time, to be real. Not going to bother talking about the crazy shit going thru my mind when that alarm went off...but then you think about everyone on that plane who got that alert and they're leaving the island on a 6 hour flight not knowing anything. Yeah, needed something to rebalance. Took a hike up to the Lanikai Pillboxes with some co-workers. Pro-tip; if you are going for a sunrise hike, check your phone for sun rise time. We ended up hiking in the dark, got to the top and waited about an hour before the sun peaked over the horizon.
I wanted 2018 to be a year where I push myself out of my comfort zone and do something creatively that I wouldn't have done in the past. I started reaching out to some brands to see if anyone was in the market for contract work with a photographer in Hawaii. I nabbed my first paid contract gig with the fun team over at Cruise Critic. Living in Hawaii, cruises aren't that established here because we live on an island. Working with these guys to help bring exposure to something in a sort of desaturated market here in Hawaii made me pretty nervous.
Thankfully, the guidelines were set and I was told to make a grid of "cruise essentials" and have the website for Cruise Critic displayed on an iPad or phone. Now I know there is a stigma online about selling-out or creating content for brands but if this shit is something I could potentially use as post content, or something that would push me creatively, AND I can make money from it...fuck the haters y'all and catch me out the door.
One of the dopest experiences and killer way to close out the year. We had passes to the Billabong Pipe Masters competition and spent the (work)day over at the Volcom House. Kicked it with the homies from Riboldiventures where they helped with some contract work for Make A Wish Hawaii. The plan was for us to document the day wish a wish kiddo, where it would culminate into a moment where she gets to meet Kelly Slater. It all went so smoothly and I hope to upload the video here as soon as I get the green light. As famous as Kelly is and all the mission-centric work he does in the community, he is such a down to earth guy with no ego on his shoulders. Completely grounded and didn't put himself above anyone else, even though he should. Shit, I would if I had that much success. But I guess that what separates us from the greats, huh? Shoutout to the fam over at World Surf League for hooking us up with the VIP treatment!
Being a Wish Coordinator at Make A Wish Hawaii, its our job to make wishes come true. We have more than 1200 wishes that come to Hawaii a year and there are 5 of us coordinating trips for these families. We do our best to make each experience more than a trip, and there are times where we truly connect with these families and want to do something more and add our own little touch of magic. Cue one of our wish kiddos who wanted to be a photographer. We hooked this kid up straight fire. He had a photo lesson with Heather Goodman and Lauren and Josh Riboldi, a photo lesson with Zak Noyle, swag from Volcom, RVCA, Billabong and Hurley, and an event photographer for Macy's Believe Day. We put compiled some of his best photos on the trip (without his knowledge) and surprised him with his very first art show at The Surfjack. It was the busiest week of my entire life; I literally woke up each day not knowing what could unfold but it all happened perfectly. The Lordt was on my side.
I don't have many photos from the art show at The Surfjack, but shoutout to my boys at Genki Media for being my shooters for the night. The crew over at Hawaii Camera provided top notch gear for the week and can't thank those guys enough.
Spent the last half of the day out at Fishermans Cave. I originally had planned to do some contract work for Journeys shoes, but my kicks didn't get delivered in time. Said fuck it and lets go anyway. Note; if you plan on going here, just be careful. The entrance is right after a blind-turn and there is barely any walking space. I don't think its illegal but theres always a cop by the parking lot eyeing out kooks like us. Second note; the cliffs are hella slippery right after rainfall.
Geared up for dawn patrol on this Saturday morning to join the Maoli Ola Foundation team out at Haleiwa. These dudes work with kids living with cystic fibrosis. Other than CF being a super shitty disease, people that have CF can't come into contact with other CF people or they could risk infecting each other. Its pretty lonely when you can't go to support groups so thats where these guys come in. Pro Surfers like Kala Alexander, Jamie O'Brien, and Jason Mags clear up their schedule and spend the day taking these kids out surfing. They have an entire med team out there disinfecting all the boards and equipment. Its a full on production that Im stoked to have been part of.